
Send feedback, or listen to and support the artist.

You may notice the fill-in form is gone. In the past six months prior to this this update, I received a grand total of ZERO contacts from real people regarding the work of myself or my collaborators. The hundreds of contacts I did receive were a mix of unwanted marketing pitches and outright phishing scams. I reviewed every last one of those. Would rather spend that same time making music for you. Ergo, no more fill-in-form.

You may email

That email is subject to normal filtering by Google. If I do not reply to your contact, use one of the the many social media links on this website and message me.

If those don’t work for you, send me $1 on PayPal or Venmo. I’ll gladly refund the $1 if you are trying to get in touch for a legitimate reason (i.e. my music, not your profit) and nothing else is working.

If you want to pay $1 to spam me or go phishing, fear not! I promise to keep the $1 for wasting my time, giving you nothing in return. Thank you.